Sunday, April 20, 2014

the thirst

i cant stop thinking about this conversation i had with one of my good friends whilst under the influence of alcohol the other day. she didnt remember a thing, naturally. but it was one of those typical "girl i fucking love you girl, youre my actual girl, girl" kinds of conversations yet it actually had a lot of depth to it. after the exchange of i love yous, she was telling me how she believed that the most recent people you expose yourself to the most are the ones youre most likely to get along with, and its because theyre seeing the most recent manifestation of your self. theyre seeing you for who you are right now. they didnt see how you got there or whatever shit you hate about your past, they like and appreciate you for who you are right now and who youve grown to be.

and how fucking refreshing is that?

Friday, March 7, 2014

que sais-je?

if you wiki "human," the conservation status is classified as "least concern." imo it should be highest concern.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

how to resolve intellectual paradoxes

i used to believe in karma until i got off my ass and took credit for my own shit

Sunday, February 9, 2014

if youre happy and you know it

im going to have to anonymously give credit to one of my good friends who im pen pals with and her definition of happiness. she questioned, exactly how do happy people do it? how do they live unfazed by the turbulences of life in general. she wrote to me that perhaps happy people suppress their suffering the most because they are constantly trying to keep up that image. and its true, achieving genuine happiness for long periods of time certainly is not an easy feat.

happiness. god damn, we search forever for it. maybe we never will find it. maybe we just keep having to redefine it.

listening to this song as i write this:

oh and here are some photos i took of shadows and shit. the lighting in my house that day was absolutely divine.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

potential doesnt exist

you have so much potential --said everyone always. i used to think it was a compliment, until i realized it was only complimenting on how i wasnt actually good at anything. my new years resolution this year: to be good at something. 2014 come at meh.