Saturday, April 6, 2013


i think the best work comes out when youre borderline insane. i feel like sanity and humanity are oftentimes understood as synchronous. look at musicians, artists, writers, all the ones that make us uneasy and violate human morals are the ones who are the most successful. i think its because they provide a perspective that is unconventional, something that cannot be accessed in the proper human and sane state. i think thats why my best work comes out with the lack of sleep and at ungodly hours because i am spitting shit that could not be produced if i were sane. and academia loves that, organic bullshit is refreshing to them.

why are we socially and perhaps culturally valued depending on how many big words we know? who is really the fool here? academia is consuming and recycling the bullshit by those individuals conforming to the structure of educational institutions. perhaps both parties are fools.

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